Sunday, September 21, 2008

How true is this?

I know someone who has two nerdy sons who are always well-slicked, tucked and belted. These poor boys have hair so well-shellacked that it's still shiny at the end of the day. The mom is probably the type who won't let them sit on their beds after she makes them in the morning.

This mom also ALWAYS has fresh-baked cookies waiting for her two playground targets when they get home. After she picks them up from school in her minivan. She puts the cookies in the oven. Picks up the kids. And.....PRESTO! The cookies are done when they get home. Can you imagine how long it took to get that timing down?

This person makes me sad. She has absolutely no life other than waiting on her family. She doesn't work outside the home. She smiles and bakes cookies and makes beds.

What would she do if her husband were to die? What skills could she use to support her family? I fear that she is so wrapped up in her little perfect world that this scenario hasn't been considered.

I guess she's probably too busy baking cookies.

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